Macro Virtual Production just got real!

Enhancing Creative Freedom

Whilst bespoke Unreal environments still provide the most dynamic Macro Virtual Production (M-VP) backgrounds, at Olaus Roe we value innovation as a catalyst for compelling storytelling. We understand that sometimes there is a delivery requirement to integrate a true photo or video background in a virtual production rather than building it in Unreal Engine. We have several solutions available, from incorporating simple looped 180/360° footage to advanced NeRF scanning technology to produce virtual backgrounds from real imagery.

Tags: Broadcast


We can load photographic 360° HDR backplates if they are of sufficient size and quality. Again the advantage of this being the shots can be easily captured on the location part of the shoot and will be accurate to the scene when integrated into the macro scene.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< Original 360° HDR image - Taken with DJI Mavic

There is also a comparatively small amount of time to prepare these for the M-VP system, but again images captured are unchangeable. As the photography has no playback element, this can often appear better quality on screen than the footage choice.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< 360° Image in Unreal Engine

However, we can supplement the scene by adding Unreal CGI elements, such as extra vegetation or changing the sky.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< Final output used for filming

The added elements will react to all the normal benefits of Unreal environments, ie the plants can move in the wind and cast shadows to the changing light.

Live Footage

Our M-VP system will support use of video footage shot on location. Although this technique has the benefit of simple capture of the footage on the location required, and quick to prepare in comparision to building a bespoke Unreal background, there are several limitations to this technique.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< 12 x 4k sequences stitched into a panoramic video

We stitch the footage into a 180/360° loop so that the M-VP system will make the footage react to the camera, turntable or slider movement. There are limitations on the size and quality of the footage that can be played back live at a sufficient speed.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< Final output used for filming

The footage captured is unchangeable - the weather and movement of elements, such as birds, are what will be seen in the background.

In contrast, uniquely our M-VP system with an Unreal Engine environment allows us to change weather, time of day, wind, focus, field of view in realtime, on set to make amends and tweaks to suit the foreground and scene requirement.

NeRF Scanning

NeRF scanning, is a technique used to reconstruct three-dimensional scenes from a collection of two-dimensional images. Unlike traditional scanning methods that rely on rigid structures or specialised equipment, NeRF scanning offers a flexible and efficient way to capture detailed environments with minimal setup and hardware requirements. The digital nature of NeRF scans facilitates collaboration between remote teams, enabling artists and filmmakers to work together seamlessly regardless of their geographic location. This is particularly useful for our Natural History clients, who can scan a background for us to use in the studio. Unlike traditional scanning methods that require specialised equipment and expertise, NeRF scanning can be performed using off-the-shelf cameras and even smartphones.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< NeRF scanning on location with provided iOS app

One of the most significant advantages of NeRF scanning technology is its ability to streamline virtual production workflows. Traditionally, creating digital backgrounds for film and television required extensive manual labour and meticulous attention to detail.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!
Macro Virtual Production just got real!
Macro Virtual Production just got real!

With NeRF scanning, filmmakers can quickly capture real-world environments and seamlessly integrate them into virtual sets, reducing production time and costs while maintaining a high level of visual fidelity.

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

< Final output used for filming

Macro Virtual Production just got real!

Each of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, with the Unreal Engine environment still providing the most dynamic and flexible approach fro a virtual backdrop.

A useful PDF chart of advantages and disadvantages of the different set-up choices can be downloaded here

If you're interested in an M-VP project, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

+44 (0) 117 9250481 /

We can discuss which approach would be best for your project.