Over There - Sci-FI Short

Olaus Roe were given 48hrs to script, film and produce a 5 minute Sci Fi film for the worlds largest Sci Fi competition. We were given a title, prop and a line of dialogue that had to be included. 'Over There' combined location and a studio shoot and was shot in a day.

Given the title "Over There" we decided to produce a film with an environmental element, inspired by the numerous nuisance calls we were getting in the office from "Energy Suppliers" asking us to switch to their supply.

The filmed was written and starred Bernie Hodges and Gary Summers.

Filmed with a small production team, all sound, camera and directing by Andy Bourne and Dan Hedger. Ceri Howe helping out with audio and wrote the score to the film. The studio scenes were shot on a Saturday, location shots on a Sunday with all of the post production being finished Sunday night, ready for submission at noon Monday!

See behind the scenes here

Tags: Short films, Visual effects & Post production